How I Met The Love of My Life....

Before I begin, I want to say a huge thank you to Rhonda for revealing The Secret. It has managed to get me the one thing I have always wanted but never had until recently, love. I promised myself that I’d publish my story here the day I realised I had found what I was looking for all these years, so here I am. I found my boyfriend, in whom I also found the best friend I had always craved.
For most of my life, I had always felt like everyone’s after thought, a shadow of that close friend, of that family member. I was selling myself short and had resigned to the fact that I would always be the one who gets outshone by others. The more I told myself this, the more I received exactly that feeling, the feeling of not being enough.
All of that changed when I truly understood the law of attraction. I changed my thought process. I began to tell myself that I was the outshiner, that I turn heads when I walk down the street or into a room. I repeated the mantra ‘I am more than enough’ to myself anytime I had a free moment to think. I made playlists which consisted of songs that could instantly turn my mood around and make me feel happy. And guess what? The more I did all of this, the happier I got. The Secret really was in motion.
I felt gratitude, not just towards the important people in my life and for my good health and fortune. I started to thank myself for being me, that one was most important. I began to appreciate myself more, value myself more, and this brought about the realisation that I deserved nothing but the best. And that’s how I found him, the best friend, the best boyfriend I could’ve asked for, my Bubs.
He’s become such a monumental part of my life now, that I actually refer to my life as ‘Pre-Bubs’ and ‘Post-Bubs’. Pre-Bubs, I had never been in a relationship. I had come close, had boys who fancied me and had boys who I fancied. None of them made the cut, however. My fear of loss and not being enough won out every single time. I drove them away because of my incapability to trust in myself. This was before I understood and applied the LOA. I didn’t make this mistake with Bubs.
The first time I met him, I knew he was it. I just had this crazy feeling; this crazy, intense feeling that I couldn’t seem to shake off. I was meeting him for the first time but there was also something very familiar about him. He initiated the conversation, he flirted in that subtle way that I find attractive, smiled, and asked for my number. His charm won over my fear and doubts, and I found myself trusting him enough to accept his offer to meet up over a drink. That’s all it took.
Looking back now, I had always craved for a friendship between me and my ‘perfect partner’. It is that friendship that I found with him. He’s literally the personified version of all my dreams. He has been an extremely positive influence in my life, again, a trait I had wished for in my dream guy. He encourages me, supports me in every one of my decisions, and pushes me to my best potential both, personally and professionally.
This is what The Secret manifested for me, my best friend, my boyfriend. He is flawed, just like every other human being, but the one thing I love about him, is his ability to look past mine. It is because of him that every single love song ever written makes absolute sense to me. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since the day I met him and I don’t think that now I ever will. Out of all the wonderful things life has given me, he takes number one position. He reinstated my belief in love and passion.


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