How I Attracted The Secret Into My Life.

In 2016 things in my life were not going so well. I was having car trouble, feeling down about myself in my life and at my job as well. I was feeling like I was always hitting a dead end road. I decided to myself that something had to change for the better in my life. So in early 2017 I started to look on YouTube for motivational and self improvement videos in hopes of finding some enlightened. Through my searches, I ran into a video from Steve Harvey, the comedian and  actor. It was about this book called The Secret and how it changed his life forever and how everyone should own a copy of it. I immediately felt an overwhelming rush of energy flow through me as I thought to myself that I needed to get my hands on this book!
I started to look up more videos on celebrities and their stories of the law of attraction and The Secret. I became very intrigued now and eager to read this book more than ever. I did more research on the law of attraction and how ‘like attracts like’. I’ve been going to the same barber for over 15 years and never thought about switching barbers ever, but my schedule started to become so hectic and busy I couldn’t get to him as often as before. I began to start telling people about the law of attraction and The Secret. Come to find out to my surprise, a lot of people have known about this including my new barber!
My daughter is on a top notch cheering team in Jersey and one of her teammate’s dad cuts hair and told me he could do house calls as he knew about my hectic work schedule. So I decided to try him out. My cut actually came out quite superb. One evening, as I was getting my haircut we just started discussing things like how we can attract things to us. I looked at him in shock because I didn’t know that he was on the same vibrational wave as I was. In mid conversation he asks me; ‘Hey, have you ever read The Secret??”. I replied ‘No I haven’t but I have been looking for it because I’m eager to read it. He cuts off the clippers and says that he will be back. He leaves for 5 minutes and when he came back into the room, there it was, The Secret!!! He had the book this whole time. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I borrowed the book and read the whole book within 3 weeks. I stumbled across the DVD also and watched that too!
Ever since I attracted The Secret into my life, things have turned around for the better. I try every day to apply The Secret to my daily life and I know I am in store for many more blessings coming my way!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Rhonda and the crew of The Secret for bringing The Secret to light.


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